Using Infographics to Take Charge of Social Media Marketing

Social media has made a huge difference in the way companies market their products and services online. Instead of staying off to the side, sending emails and posting ads and hoping customers will come to them, companies can now reach out directly and ask fans to like, add, and messages their sites throughout various mediums, giving them a direct link to the consumer and the feedback that comes with that.

Many companies are looking for additional ways to engage with social media. One newer and productive instrument is free infographic tools. What is an infographic? Basically, it is a graphic visual display of information or data. A very basic idea of this, to give you an idea, would be a subway map. Infographics are useful because humans process visual information more quickly than anything else, and tend to prefer it, hence the proliferation of image sharing and supporting websites.

Are you interested in using a free infographic creator online in order to promote your company? This is a good idea, especially when there are so many free infographic tools available. Eventually, you might decide to pay a company to create a professional infographic, but for now it is a cost effective way to experiment and see if people are interested in what you have to show.

When you create inforgraphics with free infographic tools, there are several things you should keep in mind. Remember that above all, the point of an infographic is to be interesting and visually appealing. This means understanding the basics of graphic design in order to create an eye catching image. You should not be typing up paragraphs of text for your infographic. If understanding it requires extensive extra knowledge, then you are missing the point of data visualization.

Infographics made to promote companies usually display marketing data, either gathered by the company or by an outside source. Make sure, of course, that your data is accurate, otherwise this advertising could backfire. For an example of an infographic you would create using free infographic tools, imagine you are a sushi restaurant. You can create infographics with pieces of sushi where the middle of the sushi, the ingredients, are arranged like a pie graph to reflect statistics on consumer tastes. One section could represent, for example, the percentage of people who would consider trying raw whale, shark, or spider in their sushi.