Your Four Step Guide to Creating an Awesome Infographic

It is possible, and even easy, to create infographics online. This does not mean, however, that all infographics are created equal. Here are four tips for creating a great looking and effective infographic.

1. Go heavy on visual, and light on words. The point of the infographic is to convey data through images, not the other way around. If you find yourself laboring over paragraphs of text, you are doing something wrong. Too many words are an indication that your infographic is not as effective as it could beWhat is an infographic, exactly? An infographic is a visual representation of data. Infographics effectively break down complex information into a presentable, visual format that is easy to understand.

Why are businesses using infographics? Infographics present an opportunity for businesses to communicate with their consumers important information about the industry their product or service is a part of. This can be especially helpful for messages that are technical in nature.

It is possible, and even easy, to create infographics online. This does not mean, however, that all infographics are created equal. Here are four tips for creating a great looking and effective infographic.

1. Go heavy on visual, and light on words. The point of the infographic is to convey data through images, not the other way around. If you find yourself laboring over paragraphs of text, you are doing something wrong. Too many words are an indication that your infographic is not as effective as it could be. Many companies use infographics to help illustrate blogs, which give the user some space to explain exactly what is going on, without cluttering the actual design.

2. Free infographics still require great design. Be creative with your layout, and use different sizes, colors, and angles to lead the eye in the direction you want it to go. Make sure your design is uniform and clean. Many professional infographic creators limit themselves to a color palette of three to four basic colors. Use only one or two easy to read fonts.

3. Infographics are not a new way to publish ad copy. At least, the good ones are not. You should not be copy pasting your generic company guarantees here. Use free infographics creators to create interesting visual representations of industry data. Such statistical data is easy to find online, and then all you have to do is graph or pie chart it out.

4. For example, if you were a professional infographic designer trying to explain why infographics are useful, you could show that 65 percent of people are visual learners. You could also show that a 2012 study by ROI Research found that online users respond more to companies when they post pictures, compared to any other form of data. The growth of social media sites such as Pinterest and Tumblr that focus on image sharing not only indicate the rising popularity of images, but also provide locations for your infographic to be shared and spread.