How to Find the Right School for Your Child Public or Private School? – Gerald Parks Memorial Foundation

best type of school is for your child, Courtney as well as her mommies offer some excellent advice! When you are making your choice make sure you research the distinctions between private and public schools.

Andy is mother of two children in public schools. She discusses the reasons why public school was an ideal choice for her children. Her love of going to the public school system as a child So she wanted her kids to have the same experience as her. The cost didn’t matter to her as she was sure that public schools were the best option. She also wanted diversification in the classrooms of her sons as well.

Chelsea is on the opposite side , is a mother of a child who goes to private school . She explains the reasons why she chose to go to a private school. Cost didn’t influence her decision either because she knew that private school would provide her daughter with social abilities. Additionally, she wanted her child to be raised with the same Catholic beliefs that she did.

Watch the remainder of the video for their suggestions on picking between Brampton’s school options, whether public or private schools. The choice is yours however other moms can give you advice in order to assist you in choosing which private school is best to your family.
