Acupuncture Benefits for Stress and Related Ailments – Health and Fitness Tips

The effects of acupuncture. A few also believe in treatment of medicinal herbs by burning them near the skin, to boost the benefits of acupuncture for the treatment of stress. The practice is called moxibustion.
Acupuncture, and the way it affects the body’s Neuro and Biochemistry

Many studies indicate how acupuncture has many benefits for both the mind and the body. The majority of people spend lots of time racing to work or completing routine tasks, like taking their children to school. This is because the sympathetic nervous system is accountable for fighting or fleeing. Acupuncture on one side, assists the body to calm and shift to the parasympathetic, which is the one responsible for rest.

The significant shift from sympathetic to parasympathetic nerve system alters the neurochemistry of your body and triggers the numerous benefits of acupuncture in stress. This leads to the release and release of the happy hormones like epinephrine and serotonin. It also leads to a decrease in cortisol, the main stress hormone. Acupuncture is a great way to increase serotonin levels, and help reduce thoughts of suicide. It’s due to the production of hormones , as well as amino acids.

The Acupuncture Method, Endorphins and Acupuncture

Depression, stress and anxiety block the flow of energy in the body. According to Chinese medical theories, there exists an internal highway system within your body that helps facilitate the circulation of energy. This highway system is also known as the Meridian Pathway. Stress hinders this system and can cause a traffic jam. The roadblock created from stress also affects other aspects too. Stress can cause indigestion and others issues such as high blood pressure, insomnia migraines, pain, and so on. The goal of acupuncture is to alleviate the blockages due to stress. It is for this reason that acupuncture offers the ability to relieve stress.

Energy can flow freely once the blocks are gone. This can help to alleviate
