Do You Want to Create an Infographic That Looks Better Than the Rest?

If you look at enough infographics, you will start to notice that some of them grab your attention and hold it until you have finished the entire thing, and others end up warranting no more than a quick scan. There are bad infographics, mediocre graphics, and stellar infographics, but do you know what separates the good from the bad? When you create infographics, how do you make them stand out? Here are four tips to help your infographic look better than just average.

  1. Typography.
  2. If you choose to use free infographic tools, then you may be limited in the fonts and sizes that you get to choose from. However, it is important to note that infographics with large fonts receive about 54% more likes on Facebook than infographics with smaller fonts.

  3. Colors.
  4. A marketing data infographic does not need to be black and white to look professional. Complementary colors do well to spice up an infographic without making it appear like a tie-dye experiment gone wrong. Choose your colors carefully, and be careful how a font sits on backgrounds so that your information does not get lost.

  5. Quality data.
  6. To create infographics is to tell a story, but in this case you do not want to be telling fiction. Make sure to get good facts, and source them indiscreetly at the bottom of your infographic. This will let readers know that they can trust your information. There are several applications that can help you analyze data and get good statistics, StatSilk is one of them.

  7. Your brand.
  8. Do not forget the purpose of your infographic, which is probably to promote your company, brand, or services. Hopefully, when you blog infographics that you created, people will share them. All of that hard work will have been for nothing unless people know where the infographic came from.

Of course, there are many elements that contribute to a quality infographic, but data, colors, typography, and brand are some of the most important. Follow these four tips and your infographic will be well ahead of the curve.