How To Clean Your Area Rugs at Home – Family Magazine

Do you wish to get rid of your rug at home without paying for a service? Then you will be able to clean your rug in only a few steps.

There are several things you’ll need to do before you start the process of cleaning your area rug. First, you’ll need remove your rug from the room. Next, place it on a smooth surface. Now, this next process is essential as you’ll need to ensure that your rug is completely free of any floating particles, such as hair, crumbs, and dust. You will then want to make sure that your rug is given an excellent vacuuming machine to remove the debris away. This will give you a head start before you start the deep cleansing.

Things you’ll require for cleaning your area rug includes a vacuum, extension cord, dawn cleaner any type of pressure-washing device, and the ability to lay your rug on. The process could be messy so it is suggested that you work outside and dress in clothing you don’t mind getting splashed with water. Watch this video on how to clean and deep clean your area rug at house with ease!
