Should You Get Facebook Ray-Bans? – Heels WebShop

Stories” smart glasses. The glasses can document where you’re located throughout the day, so people can observe what you’re up to firsthand. It’s it’s a great idea, but it may also create privacy concerns. The following video provides an inside look as well as a wealth of additional thoughts about this innovative technology. Let’s get started.

These glasses can not only record video or photos and music, they can also record it. In order to capture photos, you can use vocal commands or simply press the small button on the bottom of the glasses. Photos and videos are sent directly to your phone as well as the cameras are almost invisible to the people passing by. The glasses raise privacy issues to be aware of. Capturing others without their knowledge can be a very uncomfortable possibility. Meta has a reputation for not being transparent regarding the handling of personal data. One can assume that these glasses will never be used for anything criminal or unethical.
